Computer Terms

My dictionary terms

  • Algorithum-A set of ordered steps for solving a problem, such as a mathematical formula or the instructions in a program. The terms algorithm and logic are synonymous. Both refer to a sequence of steps to solve a problem. However, an algorithm implies an expression that solves a complex problem rather than the overall input-process-output logic of typical business programs.
  • Alphanumeric-A set of ordered steps for solving a problem, such as a mathematical formula or the instructions inThe use of alphabetic letters mixed with numbers and special characters as in name, address, cityand state.
  • ALU- (Arithmetic Logic Unit) The high-speed CPU circuit that does calculating and comparing.Numbers are transferred from memory into the ALU for calculation, and the results are sent backinto memory. Alphanumeric data is sent from memory into the ALU for comparing. The resultsare tested by GOTOs; for example, IF ITEMA EQUALS ITEMB GOTO UPDATE ROUTINE.Some chips have multiple ALUs that allow for simultaneous calculations. For example, ChromaticResearch's Mpact media processor chip has 450 of them. It allows audio, video and othereaning two. The principle behind digital computers.
  • Binary- All input to the computer is converted into binary numbers made up of the two digits 0 and 1 (bits). For example, when you press the "A" key on your personal computer, the keyboard generates and transmits the number 01000001 to thecomputer's memory as a series of pulses. The 1 bits are transmitted as high voltage; the 0 bits are transmitted as low. The bits are stored as charged and uncharged memory cells in the computer oras microscopic magnets on disk and tape. Display screens and printers convert the binary numbersCausing the computer to start executing instructions.
  • Boot- Personal computers contain built-in instructions in a ROM chip that are automatically executed on startup. These instructions searchfor the operating system, load it and pass control to it. Starting up a large computer may requiremore button pushing and keyboard input.into visual characters.multimedia processes to be performed simultaneously.
  • Browser-A program that lets you look through a set of data. A reserved segment of memory used to hold data while it is being processed.
  • Buffer-In a program,buffers are created to hold some amount of data from each of the files that will be read or written. A buffer may also be a small hardware memory bank used for special purposes.
  • Bug-A persistent error in software or hardware. If the bug is in software, it can be corrected bychanging the program. If the bug is in hardware, new circuits have to be designed.
  • Byte- (BinarY TablE) The common unit of computer storage from micro to mainframe. It is made up ofeight binary digits (bits). A ninth bit may be used in the memory circuits as a parity bit for error checking.A single alphabetic letter, numeric digit, or special symbol such as a decimal point or comma.
  • Character-A character is equivalent to a byte; for example, 50,000 characters take up 50,000 bytes.A set of microminiaturized, electronic circuits that are designed for use as processors and memory incomputers and countless consumer and industrial products.
  • Chip- Chips are the driving force in this industry.Small chips can hold from a handful to tens ofthousands of transistors. They look like tiny chips of aluminum, no more than 1/16" square by 1/30" thick, which is where the term "chip" came from. Large chips, which can be more than a half inch square, hold millions of transistors. It is actually only the topone thousandth of an inch of a chip's surface that holds the circuits. The rest of it is just a base.
  • ClockAn internal timing device. Using a quartz crystal, the CPU clock breathes life into the CPU by feedingit a constant flow of pulses. For example, a 200MHz CPU receives 200 million pulses per second.Similarly, in a communications device, the clock synchronizes the data pulses between sender and receiver.
  • Command-Instruction for the computer.
  • Compataible-A feature of a computer or operating system that allows it to run programs written for a differentsystem. Programs often run slower in compatibility mode.
  • CPU(Central Processing Unit) The computing part of the computer.
  • Cursor-The symbol used to point to some element on screen. On DOS and other character-based screens, it is a blinking rectangle or underline. On Windows and other graphics-based screens, itis also called a pointer, and it changes shape as it is moved into different windows.
  • Data-Technically, raw facts and figures, such as orders and payments, which are processed into information, such as balance due and quantity on hand. However, in common usage, the terms data and information are used synonymously.
  • Debug-To correct a problem in hardware or software. Debugging software is finding the errors in theprogram logic. Debugging hardware is finding the errors in circuit design.
  • Directory-A simulated file folder on disk. Programs and data for each application are typically kept in aseparate directory (spreadsheets, word processing, etc.). Directories create the illusion ofcompartments, but are actually indexes to the files which may be scattered all over the disk. UNIXand DOS use the term directory, while the Mac and Windows use the term "folder.
  • Disk Drive-"A peripheral storage device that holds, spins, reads and writes magnetic or optical disks. It may be a receptacle for disk cartridges, disk packs or floppy disks, or it may contain non-removable disk platters like most personal computer hard disks.
  • Documentation-The narrative and graphical description of a system. Following are the kinds of documentation required to describe an information system for both users and systems staff.
  • DOS-Percent signs are used in DOS batch files to define user input.
  • Edit-To make a change to existing data.
  • E-mail-The transmission of memos and messages over a network. Within an enterprise, users can sendmail to a single recipient or broadcast it to multiple users. With multitasking workstations, mail can be delivered and announced while the user is working in an application. Otherwise, mail is sent to a simulated mailbox in the network server or host computer, which must be interrogated.
  • Feild-A physical unit of data that is one or more bytes in size. A collection of fields make up a record. A field also defines a unit of data on a source document, screen or report. Examples of fields are NAME, ADDRESS, QUANTITY and AMOUNT DUE.
  • File-A collection of bytes stored as an individual entity. All data on disk is stored as a file with an assigned file name that is unique within the directory it resides in.
  • Floppy Disk- A reusable magnetic storage medium introduced by IBM in 1971. The floppy was the primary method for distributing personal computer software until the mid 1990s when CD-ROMs became the preferred medium. The floppy disk used today is the rigid 3.5" microfloppy that holds 1.44MB. The reason it's called a floppy is that the first varieties were housed in bendable jackets. Floppies are terribly undersized for today's use, and their future is uncertain.
  • Flow Chart-A graphical representation of the sequence of operations in an information system or program. Information system flowcharts show how data flows from source documents through the computer to final distribution to users. Program flowcharts show the sequence of instructions in a single program or subroutine. Different symbols are used to draw each type of flowchart.
  • FTP-(File Transfer Protocol) A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). It includes functions to log onto the network, list directories and copy files. It can also convert between the ASCII and EBCDICcharacter codes. FTP operations can be performed by typing commands at a command prompt or via an FTP utility running under a graphical interface such as Windows. FTP transfers can also be initiated from within a Web browser by entering the URL preceded with ftp://.
  • Function Key-A set of keyboard keys used to command the computer (F1, F2, etc.). F1 is often the help key, but the purpose of any function key is determined by the software currently running.
  • Graphics-Called computer graphics, it is the creation and manipulation of picture images in the computer. It is defined in this database under "graphics" to keep the term next to other entries that begin with "graphics.
  • Hard Copy-"Printed output.The primary computer storage medium, which is made of one or more aluminum or glass platters, coated with a ferromagnetic material.
  • Hard-disk-Most hard disks are fixed disks, which are permanently sealed in the drive. Removable cartridge disks are gaining in popularity and are increasingly available in more varieties.Machinery and equipment (CPU, disks, tapes, modem, cables, etc.).
  • Hardware-In operation, a computer is both hardware and software. One is useless without the other. The hardware design specifies the commands it can follow, and the instructions tell it what to do.
  • Hexadecimal-(HEXadecimal) Hexadecimal means 16. The base 16 numbering system is used as a shorthand for representing binary numbers. Each half byte (four bits) is assigned a hex digit as shown in the following chart with its decimal and binary equivalents. Hex values are identified with an "h" or dollar sign, thus $3E0, 3E0h and 3E0H all stand for the hex humber 3E0
  • HTML-(HyperText Markup Language) The document format used on the World Wide Web. Web pages are built with HTML tags, or codes, embedded in the text. HTML defines the page layout, fonts and graphic elements as well as the hypertext links to other documents on the Web. Each link contains the URL, or address, of a Web page residing on the same server or any server worldwide, hence "World Wide" Web.
  • HTTP-(HyperText Transport Protocol) The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. Its primary function is to establish a connection with a Web server and transmit HTML pages to the client browser. Addresses of Web sites begin with an http:// prefix; however, Web browsers typically default to the HTTP protocol. For example, typing is the same as typing
  • Integrated Circuit-The formal name for the chip. In 1958, TI inventor Jack Kilby demonstrated the first electronic circuit in which more than one transistor was fabricated on a single piece of semiconductor material. It was about half the size of a paper clip.
  • Internet-A large network made up of a number of smaller networks. The connection and interaction between hardware, software and the user.
  • Interface-A person that writes dictionaries.
  • 1 Gig-An electronic whiteboard from Xerox subsidiary Liverporks, Inc., San Jose, CA, (, that allows simultaneous viewing of the application.
  • LAN-(Local Area Network) A communications network that serves users within a confined geographical area. It is made up of servers, workstations, a network operating system and a communications link.
  • Memory-The computer's workspace (physically, a collection of RAM chips). It is an important resource, sinceit determines the size and number of programs that can be run at the same time, as well as the amount of data that can be processed instantly.
  • Menu-An on-screen list of available functions, or operations, that can be performed currently. Dependingon the type of menu, selection is accomplished by (1) highlighting the menu option with a mouse and releasing the mouse, (2) pointing to the option name with the mouse and clicking on it, (3) highlighting the option with the cursor keys and pressing Enter, or (4) pressing the first letter of the option name or some designated letter within the name.
  • Microprocessor-A CPU on a single chip. In order to function as a computer, it requires a power supply, clock and memory. The first-generation microprocessors were Intel's 8080, Zilog's Z80, Motorola's 6800 and Rockwell's 6502. The first microprocessor was created by Intel. Today's popular microprocessor families are the x86, PowerPC, Alpha, MIPS and SPARC.
  • Mnemonic-Pronounced "nuh-monic." Means memory aid. A name assigned to a machine function. For example, in DOS, COM1 is the mnemonic assigned to serial port #1. Programming languages are almost entirely mnemonics.
  • Modem-(MOdulator-DEModulator) A device that adapts a terminal or computer to a telephone line. It converts the computer's digital pulses into audio frequencies (analog) for the telephone system and converts the frequencies back into pulses at the receiving side. The modem also dials the line, answers the call and controls transmission speed. Although modems have come in speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 28800, 33300 and 56000 bits per second, only the latter, higher speeds are typically used.
  • Monitor- A display screen used to present output from a computer, camera, VCR or other video generator. A monitor's clarity is based on video bandwidth, dot pitch, refresh rate and convergence. The master control program that runs the computer. It is the first program loaded when the computer is turned on, and its main part, called the kernel, resides in memory at all times. It may be developed by the vendor of the computer it's running in or by a third party.
  • Operating System- Any computer-generated information displayed on screen, printed on paper or in machine readable form, such as disk and tape.
  • Output- A pathway into and out of the computer. The serial and parallel ports on a personal computerare external sockets for plugging in communications lines, modems and printers.
  • Port-On a front end processor, serial ports connect to communications lines and modems.
  • Printer-A device that converts computer output into printed images.
  • Prompt-Following is an overview of the various technologies. The computer's internal memory (RAM).A collection of instructions that tell the computer what to do. A program is called "software" and programs that users work with, such as word processors and spreadsheets, are called "applications" or "application programs." Therefore, the terms software, application and program are synonymous: they tell the computer what to do in precise detail. Although you may think you're telling your computer what to do, what is actually happening is that the program is allowing you to perform only those tasks it has been written to let you do.A software message that requests action by the user; for example, "Enter employee name." Command-driven systems issue a cryptic symbol when ready to accept a command; for example, the dot (.) in dBASE, the $ or % in UNIX, and the venerable C:\> in DOS.
  • RAM-(Random Access Memory) A group of memory chips, typically of the dynamic RAM (DRAM) type, which functions as the computer's primary workspace.
  • ROM-(Read Only Memory) A memory chip that permanently stores instructions and data. Its contents are created at the time of manufacture and cannot be altered. ROM chips are used to store control routines in personal computers (ROM BIOS), peripheral controllers and other electronic equipment. They are also often the sole contents inside a cartridge that plugs into printers, video games and other systems.
  • Secondary Storage-External storage, such as disk and tape.
  • Silicon(Si) The base material used in chips. Next to oxygen, it is the most abundant element in nature and is found in a natural state in rocks and sand. Its atomic structure and abundance make it an ideal semiconductor material. In chip making, it is mined from white quartz rocks and put through a chemical process at high temperatures to purify it. To alter its electrical properties, it is mixed (doped) with other chemicals in a molten state.
  • Software-Instructions for the computer. A series of instructions that performs a particular task is called a program. The two major categories of software are system software and application software. System software is made up of control programs such as the operating system and database management system (DBMS). Application software is any program that processes data for the user (inventory, payroll, spreadsheet, word processor, etc.).
  • Syntax Error- An error that occurs when a program cannot understand the command that has been entered.
  • Text File-A file that contains only text characters.
  • URL-(Uniform Resource Locator) The address that defines the route to a file on the Web or any other Internet facility. URLs are typed into the browser to access Web pages, and URLs are embedded within the pages themselves to provide the hypertext links to other pages.
  • User Friendly-A system that is easy to learn and easy to use. This term has been so abused that many vendors are reluctant to use it.
  • Windows-The most widely-used operating system for personal computers. Windows provides a graphical user interface and desktop environment similar to the Macintosh, in which applications are displayed in re-sizable, movable windows on screen.
  • WWW-(World Wide Web) The www. prefix used on most Web addresses is actually the mnemonic name of the Web server used at the Web site. Most Webmasters name their servers WWW in order to provide a recognizable address for everyone. Web addresses (URLs) are read from right to left, so that the WWW is the last component of the address, which is the name of the Web server itself.

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